Sets the customer's details (email, name, etc.) for an order.
Example Requests
"name": "Bob Smith",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "555-5555",
"bookingNotes": "Freetext booking notes",
"loyalty": {
"cardNumber": "12961612783",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "555-5678"
"name": "Bob Smith",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "555-5555",
"bookingNotes": "Freetext booking notes",
"taxName": "Robert Smith",
"taxNumber": "123456",
"taxAddress": "1 The Street, The Town, The City, 1234"
"loyalty": {
"cardNumber": "12961612783",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "555-5678"
At least one of the email address, name or phone number must be provided.
Optionally, a customer’s loyalty details can be provided to enable the customer to earn points for the cinema chain’s loyalty system for the transaction. Only a single loyalty identifier (card number, email or phone number) may be supplied. The email and phone elements of the loyalty object can differ from the customer’s details specified in the outer element. Not all cinema chains will support identifying loyalty members by all loyalty identifiers, for example some chains may only support card numbers.
The taxDetails object is entirely optional and only supported for specific Cinema Chains in specific territories where tax information is required to allow ticket bookings. Check the Configuration.Ticketing.AllowsCustomerTaxDetails property in the response from Get Cinema Chains to see if a given Cinema Chain supports this feature. If the taxDetails object is supplied, the properties (taxName, taxNumber and taxAddress) are all optional - whatever is supplied is sent through to the underlying Cinema Chain system. The taxDetails properties are all strings with no format validation, but they have the following maximum lengths applied:
- taxName - 50 characters
- taxNumber - 30 characters
- taxAddress - 50 characters
The bookingNotes element is optional and can only be supplied if the allowBookingNotes element is set to true in Get Cinema Chains. If supplied, bookingNotes is limited to 50 characters.
License Requirements
MX Tickets