Error codes
Internal errors
An exception raised by the MX API itself.
Error code range: 10,000 – 19,999
HTTP response code: 500 Internal Server Error
Timeouts / connectivity issues
External Component Access Errors and Timeouts – e.g.: a failure to reach a Cinema's ticketing service. May be temporary and therefore resolvable by retrying at a later time.
Error code range: 20,000 – 29,999
HTTP response code: 504 Gateway timeout
Unexpected cinema ticketing service errors
An unexpected exception raised by a Cinema’s ticketing service
Error code range: 30,000 – 39,999
HTTP response code: 502 Bad Gateway
Business rule errors
An exception raised by a Cinema’s ticketing service as a result of a business rule (or similar)
Error code range: 40,000 – 49,999
HTTP response code: 400 Bad Request
Error Code | Description |
10000 – Unexpected Error | An unexpected error/database error/component error has occurred |
10002 – Authorisation Exception | An internal error occurred while trying to authorise the request |
10003 – Vendor Configuration Exception | There's a configuration issue with the authenticated vendor |
20000 – Cinema Ticket Service Access Error | Unable to reach the cinema’s ticketing service |
20001 – Cinema Ticketing Service Timeout | Cinema’s ticketing service failed to respond in a timely manner |
20002 – Can’t Connect to Site | The Cinema’s ticketing service failed to connect to the specified site |
20003 – Can’t Connect to Loyalty | The cinema’s ticketing service failed to connect to its loyalty system |
30000 – Unexpected Cinema Ticketing Service Error | An unexpected error occurred at the cinema’s ticketing service |
30001 – Failed to retrieve seats for order | Seats were booked, but an unexpected error occurred while trying to retrieve seat information. Try to retrieve the order again |
30002 – Failed to process order value | An unexpected error occurred while trying to calculate the order total. The order was cancelled |
30003 – Refund booking failed | The cinema's ticketing service was unable to refund this booking. |
30004 – Invalid response | The cinema's ticketing service returned an invalid response |
31001 – Cinema ticketing service configuration error | The cinema’s ticketing service has not been correctly configured with the MX Transactional API |
31002 – Cinema ticketing service site not found | A site existing in the MX Transactional API does not exist at cinema |
32001 – Booking Fee Configuration Error | There’s a problem with the cinema’s ticketing service booking fee configuration |
32002 – Payment configuration error | There’s a problem with the cinema’s ticketing service payment configuration |
32003 - Unable to confirm if loyalty card is valid | Unable to confirm if the supplied loyalty card number is valid |
32004 - Invalid request for adding items to the order | Invalid request for adding items to the order |
40001 – Cinema chain not found | The requested cinema chain cannot be found |
40002 – Site not found | The specified site cannot be found |
40003 – Showtime not found | The specified Showtime cannot be found |
40004 – Ticket types mandatory | The client must provide the ticket types for the request. |
40005 – Concessions not supported | An attempt to purchase concessions was made, but Concessions are not supported in the API |
40006 – Seating unavailable because Showtime is not allocated seating | An attempt to get screen layout was made, however, the Showtime is not configured to be seat-allocated |
40007 – Total payment amount is insufficient | The total payment amount specified doesn’t match the order total |
40008 – Multi site order not supported | A single order cannot contain sessions or items at more than one site |
40009 – Order does not exist | Could not find an order with the specified ID |
40010 - Seat map requested for sold out showtime | Seat map data was requested for a showtime that is already sold out |
40011 – Ticket type not found | The requested ticket type was not found for the showtime |
40012 – Request too large | The request was too large |
40013 – Customer Details not Set | Customer details were not set for the order |
40014 – Vendor Access Not Allowed | You have no access to the Cinema Chain requested |
40015 – Refunds for past screenings not allowed | Cannot refund a booking when one or more tickets that are part of the booking are for screenings that have already screened |
40016 – Refunds not allowed for cinema chain | The cinema chain does not allow refunds |
40017 – Booking belongs to another vendor | Cannot refund a booking made through a different vendor |
40018 – Insufficient customer details | An email, name and/or phone number must be provided. |
40019 – Loyalty not allowed for cinema chain | The cinema chain does not allow loyalty |
40020 – Insufficient loyalty membership details | Insufficient loyalty membership details |
40021 – Ticket types not available for past screenings. | Ticket types not available for past screenings |
40022 - Showtime is no longer available for sale | Showtime is no longer available for sale |
40023 - Showtime provided is not from the cinema chain provided | Showtime provided is not from the cinema chain provided |
40024 - The site exists but is not active | The site exists but is not active |
40025 - The booking does not have the specified line item | The booking does not have the specified ticket line item |
40026 - Order must contain at least one ticket | Order must contain at least one ticket |
40027 - Items not allowed for the cinema chain | Items not allowed for the cinema chain |
40028 - Item access is not allowed for the vendor | Item access is not allowed for the vendor |
40029 - Cannot add items with no quanity | Incorrect quantity specified for item or modifier |
40030 - Ticket types are not yet available for the showtime. | Ticket types are not yet available for the showtime. |
40031 – Cannot swap seats for showtimes that have already screened. | Cannot swap seats for showtimes that have already screened |
40032 – The cinema chain does not allow seat swaps | The cinema chain does not allow seat swaps |
40033 - The requested seats do not exist. | The requested seats do not exist. |
40034 - Cinema chain does not support feature | The cinema chain does not support the requested feature |
40039 - Items only orders not allowed for cinema chain | Items only orders not allowed for the cinema chain |
40040 - Items only orders not allowed for vendor | Items only orders are not allowed for the vendor |
40041 - Order must contain tickets or items | Order must contain at least one ticket or one item |
40042 - Item not found | Item not found |
40043 - Item modifiers not allowed for cinema chain | Item modifiers not allowed for the cinema chain |
40044 - Item modifier not found | Item modifier not found |
40045 - Items not found | Items not found for this cinema chain |
41001 – Seats unavailable | The requested seats are not available |
41002 – No contiguous seats | The selected seats could not be automatically allocated in a single row |
41003 – Booking does not exist | A booking with the specified ID does not exist |
41004 – Booking already cancelled | The specified booking has already been cancelled |
41005 – Showtime Unavailable | The requested showtime is not available at the cinema’s ticketing service |
41006 – Ticket not for sale | Selected tickets are not currently for sale for this showtime |
41007 – Selected seats invalid for the ticket | Selected seats are not valid for the tickets in the order |
41008 – Order already being completed | A request to complete the order was already made and is currently in progress. |
41009 – Order cannot be uniquely identified | The cinema's ticketing service was not able to identify the requested order |
41010 – Could not get ticket types for the session | Could not get ticket types for the requested session. Please make sure the session is still available |
41011 – Loyalty member not found | Loyalty member could not be found. |
41012 - Failed to add all tickets to order. Please get the order again to see its status. | Failed to add all tickets to order. Please get the order again to see its status. |
41013 - Failed to remove all specified tickets from order. Please get the order again to see its status. | Failed to remove all specified tickets from order. Please get the order again to see its status. |
41014 - Failed to add all specified payments to order. Please get the order again to see its status. | Failed to add all specified payments to order. Please get the order again to see its status. |
41015 - Failed to select all seats for the order. Please get the order again to see its status. | Failed to select all seats for the order. Please get the order again to see its status. |
41016 - All items in booking should be from only one site | All items in booking can only be from one site |
41017 - A requested line item has already been collected | A requested line item has already been collected |
41018 - A requested line item has already been collected | A requested line item has already been refunded |
41019 - A refund request has been throttled | A refund request has been throttled |
41020 – Seat Swaps for multiple showtimes not supported | Cinema chain does not support swapping seats for multiple showtimes in a single request |
Updated almost 6 years ago